Modeling was divided into characters and background. All modeling was done using 3d Studio Max 7.
Character Modeling by: Eric Ronay
Eric created both Fox and Red in 3dStdio Max, using primarily Box modeling, and a few other tricks he has picked up over the many years of being in the industry. He was invaluable for creating the characters at near identical capacity to the drawn counterparts.
Using the model sheets, and talking with me to make fixes where needed, Eric created this model.
He created it by modeling it low poly using box modeling, and then smoothed it over when final.
The final model is around 67,000 polys.
Set Modeling by: Mike Gee
Using the building model model sheets, and also discussing with me, Mike created these buildings for the background scene. Some of them are still in progress, and there will be more to come.
Red was created the same was as Fox, with a few key differences. Her base body was built, and then extra feathers were modeled and manually moved into place all over the body. Eric created the base model and the early feather work. I made more feathers, repositioned them, and also worked on the accessories.
The base body of Red, with nothing on her at all, is 18,712 polys
These are just shown so you can get a short sense of what it will look like when done. But it has a long ways to go still!
To Be Later Finished by Nate Horsfall
Fox Vs Red and all content related is property of, and copyrighted by: Nate Horsfall
Red with the leg bands (Nitro vials) and Bandolier, is 27,224 Polys. For animation, this is effectively the model used. Though the base one can also work well for roughing things in.
And with all the feathers, this brings the model to 72,664 Polys.
As you can see, this complete version is much heavier and far more detailed. And in obvious ways, it completes the character. As said above, these feathers were all hand moved into place. Some were specifically added to break up the shape and give the appearence of ruffled/pinched
feathers. Such as, around the bandolier. These little touches make the accessories feel more worn on, instead of pasted.
Also, the teeth will primarily not be visable, and only show up when needed for an expression. This is more of an experiment, but if it works.. expect it to look very much 2d style. With certain things appearing or disappearing per expressiion use.